This is a concerning survey finding, demonstrating the danger of the new corona virus's impact on youngsters.

Suicide and covid pandemic

According to the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's problem behavior and school refusal survey, the number of school refusal children who were absent from elementary and junior high schools for 30 days or more in 2020 exceeded 190,000, a 15,000 increase over the previous year and the highest ever. rice field Despite the fact that the number of school refusals has risen in recent years, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology has said that the cause is a disruption in life rhythm caused by the simultaneous closure of school efforts to combat corona. That is an accurate assessment.

With 415 suicides recorded, elementary, junior high, and high schools had the largest number of suicides. There are a variety of reasons for this, including family strife and concerns about the course, but the increase of approximately 100 persons from last year is exceptional. The new corona illness has been spreading for over two years. A pervasive sense of impediment pervades society. At school, keep your distance from your peers. Lunch cannot be consumed during the "quiet meal." Children's growth may be hampered by a crowded existence and a succession of patience tests. I'd want to request a more thorough inquiry from the Ministry of Education.

The new corona illness has been spreading for over two years. A pervasive sense of impediment pervades society. At school, keep your distance from your peers. Lunch cannot be consumed during the "quiet meal." Children's growth may be hampered by a crowded existence and a succession of patience tests. I'd want to request a more thorough inquiry from the Ministry of Education.

The number of reported incidences of bullying, on the other hand, has declined. There is a belief that the number of possibilities for face-to-face engagement has declined, as has bullying. However, because bullying is difficult to identify owing to school closures and online classes, there is fear that the damage may remain hidden. Bullying can be triggered by infection or immunization. You must use caution.

Some students at school are thought to be anxious in general. It is critical for instructors and staff to interact with children and kids on a regular basis and to recognize early indicators of behavioral change. Countries, as well as the Board of Education, which is the school counselor, should move quickly to increase the arrangement and dispatch of such.

I'd like you to not only provide a space at the school that is apart from the classrooms, such as the health room or library, but also to aggressively encourage "learning" outside of the school, such as through free schools. It's critical not to mentally track down and isolate the youngster. I'd want to concentrate on "education on how to put out SOS."

According to the poll, around 30,000 elementary, junior high, and high school pupils skipped school for more than 30 days to prevent illness. Online classes are an efficient technique to avoid "learning" delays, however there are differences in the implementation environment between areas and schools. We'd want to move quickly to enhance the environment and ensure learning chances in advance of the winter infection's "6th wave," which specialists have declared a public health emergency.

As the number of individuals who have been vaccinated rises, society will begin to strike a balance between infection protection and everyday living. Children's lives are also changing, and they are likely to face new challenges. Child stress has emerged in the aftermath of significant disasters in the past. Adults in the area, such as faculty members and parents, desire to promote their children's development without missing minor changes.

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